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Jody Yeh

Medical University of South Carolina


Joe English, MBA, MHA

Duke University

Vice President

Victor Marques, MBA

Rutgers New Jersey Medical School


Meg Ferris, MPH, PhD

Baylor College of Medicine


Mary Porter, MA

University of Kentucky College of Medicine


Alexa Iben, MPH
University of Iowa Health Care



Kevin McClellan, MBA, MHA
Indiana University School of Medicine

Board of Directors (BOD)

AMGO is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership at the annual meeting. The BOD is charged with the business affairs of the Association and is responsible to the membership to ensure compliance with the policies and directives as outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws. The BOD fiduciary duty includes the duty to exercise care in the management of member fees, monitoring financial reports and loyalty to the objectives of the organization. Specific assignments and policy implementation are delegated to various committees within the organization. We encourage AMGO members to communicate with committee members and the Officers & Board of Directors. It is through this interaction that the needs and interests of AMGO's membership can be fully realized and we can ensure that the expectations of our members are being met. 

One of our greatest strengths is the rich variety of perspectives and experience of our membership.  Accordingly, we strongly encourage nominations that are representative of our members’ cultural, geographic, gender, and organizational diversity.  Self-nominations are accepted and encouraged. 

Election of Officers: Each year, the AMGO membership elects its own officers for one, two or three-year terms. Nominees must meet the criteria for active membership. Annual conference attendance is not required for nominations on the ballot. Officers are elected by a majority vote of the eligible members during the Annual Meeting pursuant to Article III, Section I of the Bylaws. No more than one member from each institution shall serve on the board at the same time. 

Board Member Responsibilities 

  • PRESIDENT Active member in good standing and recognized as a leader in the field of academic administration. Provides leadership to AMGO members by conducting regular Board meetings and the annual Business Meeting held during the annual conference. Leads and participates in the decision-making process of the Board of Directors. Becomes conversant with all the polices, procedures, bylaws and activities of the association. Operates within the established budget and obtains Board approval for non-budgeted expenses. Assists in assuring the association's financial soundness. One-year term.

  • PRESIDENT-ELECT A President-Elect is elected every year and serves a three year term: President-Elect (1st year), President (2nd year), and Past President (3rd year), consecutively.  The President-Elect assists the President as assigned and is responsible for choosing the location of the annual meeting for the year of their Presidency.  The first year is spent researching, visiting, and contracting with the chosen annual conference venue. In the second year the President –Elect becomes President, the principal officer of AMGO who supervises and controls all of the business and professional affairs, plans and presides at all meetings of the membership and Board of Directors, and performs all duties incident to the office such as coordinating all activities, acting as a liaison with CUCOG, providing direction to AMGO, and other such duties as prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time.  In the third year as Immediate Past President the responsibilities change to serving as a consultant to the President, continuing as a member of the Board of Directors, serving as Chair of the Nominating, Circle of Excellence, and By-Laws Committees and performing any other duties as assigned. 

  • VICE PRESIDENT A Vice President is elected each year, and serves a one-year term. Performs duties as may be delegated by the Board of Directors and/or by the President, calculates the education units for the upcoming conference for Board approval, generates Certificates of Attendance for attendees at annual meetings, serves as board liaison and acts as primary contact for inquiries to/from the website, serves as chair of the Membership Committee (new), and if a committee is unable to fulfill its charge, may be assigned to work with committee chair to analyze issues and make recommendations to the board. The office of Vice President is for a one- year term and may be re-elected.

  • SECRETARY The office of Secretary is for a two-year term and may be re-elected. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings, shall serve as custodian for all Association records, and shall make such reports and perform such duties as are incident to the office or which may be delegated by the President or Board of Directors. 

  • TREASURER The office of Treasurer is for a two-year term and may be elected. Treasurer shall maintain books of financial account of the Association’s finances and business and shall render to the President and Board of Directors and members a complete financial statement at the Annual Meeting and at such times as may be requested of him/her an account of all his/her transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Association. The Treasurer will prepare at each year end for approval by the Board, the required reports for State and Federal Tax authorities. The Treasurer must be bonded as a condition of office.  

  • MEMBER-AT-LARGE The office of  Member-at-Large is for a two-year term and may be re-elected. The MAL serves as a liaison between the Board and membership, responds to Board inquiries, participates in regular board conference calls and fulfills assignments as requested by the President or Board of Directors. Works as the communication committee on newsletters, website, promoting AMGO events and other communications to members. The role will focus on special projects and have recent experience serving on committees, task forces, and/or working groups

Overview of Service

Board Member Terms: Terms are for one or two years, and officers may be re-elected (Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Member-at-Large).

Annual Commitment: The agreement asks that each Board member to commit to their annual advocacy, meeting work, and conference planning goals. Members will make effective use of their individual expertise and skill set to explore and expand a new area of interest and growth for the AMGO organization. Board members attend (in person or virtual) approximately 3-4 meetings per year, including an in-person meeting at the annual conference. During the course of the year, Board members will have opportunities to deepen their understanding of the mission and goals of AMGO. Quarterly commitment: approximately 6-10 hours, depending on assigned duties. 

Association of Managers of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Inc.

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